38 yrs old male Shamshad Ali Admitted to Zynova Shalby ICU with extreme shortness of breath palpitations and drowsiness Patient was shifted from Gonda UP where he was under treatment for about 10-15 days for chicken pox and hepatitis. On evaluation patient was having severe shock with Systolic blood pressure of 70mmHg. And his oxygen levels dropped to 70% His blood gases revealed that he had severe metabolic acidosis with pH-7.1 and bicarbonate levels of 12. Immediately patient was started with aggressive intensive care treatment for shock with vasopressors/Non invasive Ventilation. 2D Echo done suggested Left ventricle function of 25-30% with Global Left ventricular hypokinesia. His Liver function tests were deranged with bilirubin of 5.7 mg% and SGOT was 15390 u/l and SGPT 7547 u/l and deranged kidney function with creatinine of 2.6 mg% and BUN 60mg%. His coagulation profile was also deranged with INR of 2.8. He was in cardiogenic shock with septic shock with multi organ dysfunction and coagulopathy and cause for all this Viral Myocarditis secondary to chicken pox. He was started with aggressive treatment under care of ICU intensivist Dr. Noaman Shirolkar and cardiologist Dr. jitesh Desai, On next day he started having Multiple episodes of arrhythmia with VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA which is life threatening.
CASE STUDY of the week
Dr. Noaman Shirolkar MBBS, MD, Anaesthesia IDCCM Consultant Critical Care He received multiple shocks for his arrhythmia and eventually he reverted back to normal rhythm. Within 48 hours of ICU admission this patient was getting stable with tapering vasopressor requirements and improving kidney and liver functions. His creatinine levels decreased and liver functions Started normalising. His heart rhythm stablised and he was consious oriented and taking orally He was mobilised and shifted to ward after a stay of 5 days in ICU. A very high risk and critical patient who was in dual system shock (Cardiogenic and Septic with multiple organ dysfunction and coagulopathy) got better and was happily shifted out of ICU. Accurate diagnosis, Timely management, and Intensive monitoring with good nursing care are keys to proper care in any intensive care unit. Zynova Shalby ICU is all known for excellent patient care and managing extremely critical patients with utmost care. Acme Elanza, CTS 1900-1917, LBS Marg, Ghatkopar (W) Appointment, Call: 022 6890 0000
info@zynovahospitals.com www.zynovashalbyhospital.com
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