Best Hospital in Ghatkopar, Mumbai | Zynova Shalby Hospital

Appointment- 022-68900000/ Homecare Services-8591401286/ Emergency- 18002665544
OPD Schedule

Best Dental Clinic in Ghatkopar, Mumbai | Zynova Shalby


We at Zynova Shalby Hospital has a state-of-the-art dental clinic which provides comprehensive and personalized dental care to our patient. Our dental department is equipped with cutting edge technology to ensures a smooth, safe and pleasant experience of our patients. Our highly skilled team of specialists and technicians has expertise for every aspect of dental care and dental hygiene. We offer dental treatments that are up-to-date and matches international standards to the patients who are suffering from a broad range of dental conditions.

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  • Cosmetic Dentistry & Smile Design
  1. Cosmetic Fillings 
  2. Teeth Whitening
  3. Crown and Bridges
  4. Orthodontic treatment
  5. Pedodontics treatment
  • Healthy Teeth & Gums
  1. Preventive Dentistry
  2. Filling
  3. Root Canal Treatment
  4. Extraction
  5. Implants

Dr Abhishek Chauhan
Dental (Oral maxillofacial surgeon)
Dr. Ruchir Jadhav
Consultant Dental Surgeon (Visiting)

24x7 Emergency Services

Open round the clock for conve-nience, quick and easy access

State-of-the-art Diagnostics

Cost-efficient, comprehensive and clinical laboratory services

World-class expertise

Qualified and certified physicians for quality medical care


022-68900000 / 18002665544